The foxes

Name: Sprinter
Nickname(s): Obscenities
Gender: Female
Species: Red fox (vulpes vulpes)
Birthday: June 11th 1991
Height: 3'6 on hind legs
Weight: 50lbs
Place of birth: Fargo, North Dakota
Current location: Brookeville, Maine
Date of creation: Drawn in 2005, made into an official char in March 2006

Voice/accent: Usually talks in a weird masculine voice, often with a european accent
Build: Lithe
Fur: Reddish brown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, kept in a braid
Markings: Lazy

Religion: Herselfian
Sexual orientation: Anything that moves and also things that don't move
Illnesses: Insanity
Fears: Fire, hunters and trappers
Allergies: None

Job: Pack leader
Education: 9th grade
Personality: Annoying, hyper, rude, crude, obnoxious
Powers/abilities: Life restoration powers
Hobbies: Masterbating, thinking of ways to get laid, wishing she could get laid, spying on the Souths, screaming random nonsense, patrolling the territory, talking to herself, shitting in random places

Spouse/SO: None (previously dated Ash South in her human form)
Children: Riley and Sara (adopted)
Mother: Mom
Father: Hoomina
Siblings: None
Pet(s): None

History: Sprinter was born as a human named Amanda, and lived a normal human life. This changed when she was 14 years old, and decided to take a walk on a beach near her home. Several minutes into the walk, she was suddenly grabbed from behind by Greg (the pirate captain who also cursed Ash, James and Poe), and after a tense struggle, she managed to kick him in the groin. Once he recovered from the pain, an angry Greg grabbed her wrist and subjected her to a fox curse. Unlike the shark curse, it began to kick in immediately, and by the following day, she had become a fox. After wandering around for several days, she ran into a local pack of foxes, which was run by a stubborn fox named Butch. Despite the pack's somewhat chilly reception of her, she decided to stay close to the pack to learn the ways of the fox.

Later that summer, Sprinter found a fox kit named Riley, who had found his way into the pack's territory. He told her that a rival pack of foxes had come into his territory and killed his parents, and they were now heading into Butch's territory. After Sprinter had found a safe place for the kit, she went to warn Butch about the rival pack, but he refused to take her seriously. Soon after this, the rival pack entered Butch's territory, and the 2 packs began to fight. After a vicious battle, the rival pack decided to surrender, but the victory was short lived. During the fight, Butch had been mortally wounded, and he passed away the following day, leaving the pack without a leader.

With this, the pack's elder began to think about who could become the new leader, and almost immediately, he thought of Sprinter. He proceeded to discuss this with the rest of the pack, and they all agreed that Sprinter was a good choice. Without further ado, the elder asked Sprinter if she wished to take on such a responsibility, to which she said yes. Fron that day forward, the pack has been run better than ever, and all the foxes enjoy peaceful, happy lives.

Other: Smells foul, especially in the breath department. Eats most anything, even forest litter. Has 9 nipples and frequently brags about them. Has crushes on Poe, Ash and Mason. Has trained self to walk on two legs. Often carries long stick. Is obsessed with sex. Spies on the Souths almost constantly. Claims one of her nipples has psychic powers.


*Image base by Kawiku on Deviantart, edited and animated by me.

The Rad Gang: The Rad Gang is a group of teenage foxes that live for coolness, danger and rebellion, and live by their own rules. They find ripe smells impeccably cool, and as a result, they refuse to bathe and try to keep themselves caked in filth at all times. They are also wary of girls, and still believes they have cooties (except Sara, of course). Oddly, the entire group views Ash as a god, and call him the Fire Bender. They perform daily worship rituals to him in their secret hideout, where they have hung a pair of his underpants. They live in a large tree, which has a secret panel that functions as the doorway of their room. So far, no one has discovered their hideout.

Scooter is the leader of the group, and is a bit overweight. He is very talkative, and can ramble so much that he rarely gives the other members a chance to speak. As the leader, he comes up with all the ideas, and can be a bit bossy. However, the others always listen to him without question, as they consider him to be very wise.

Bumper is Scooter's best friend and the vice-president. He is a very small fox (so small that he usually rides on Scooter's head), and unlike most foxes, he has a tan coat, and a long tuft of hair covering his eyes. He also has a calm, laid-back personality, one quite opposite to his best friends'. As the vice-president, he is the one who provides additional ideas or opinions.

Riley is Sprinter's adopted son, and unlike the rest of the members, he is part German Shepard. As a puppy, he was separated from his family during a fire, and Sprinter adopted him. When he grew older, he became very rebellious, to the point where he tried to attack another pack member who got on his bad side. With this, Sprinter kicked him out, and he joined the Rad Gang a few days later. Riley has tamed down since then, but he still loves being part of the gang.

Larry is the outcast of the group, and never agrees with any of the group's ideas. He originally wanted to join because he thought they were cool, but first had to pass a test (stealing Ash's underpants), which he did. Since joining, he realized that the group wasn't what he anticipated; he dislikes their disgusting ways and crazy ideas. Because of this, the other members hate him, but only keep him because they have no replacement for him.

Sara is the newest member, and Riley's adopted sister. When she approached her preteen years, she left home and lived on her own over the following winter. In the spring, she encountered the Rad gang, who told her that she could never be as rad as they are, simple because she's a girl. She resented this accusation, and told them she would prove to them that it was untrue. The gang gave her a multitude of tests: first, she was to find a mud puddle, and proceed to roll with them in it. When she passed this test, she was told to climb the cliffs with them, to prove that she was daring. When they reached the top, Scooter chucked Larry into a pit of snakes and ordered Sara to go get him. To everyone's surprise, she did so without hestitation. For the final test, they told her to find Ash, and without him noticing, steal a hair off his head. The gang thought they'd never see her again, but were very surprised when she returned a short while later, having completed the test. Scooter was stumped for ideas by then, so he finally allowed Sara into the gang.

The Neopets (retired)

These are my retired neopets. I lost them all in 2004-2005, when all of my accounts got frozen. I kept their pages for a while, but I eventually had to delete them, due to the stress of maintaining them all. Since then, they have been 'released' into the wild, so they all live as nomads. Still, despite that I no longer RP them, they were my first online characters, so I feel they all deserve a place here.

Name: Jenna
Gender: Female
Species: Lupe (wolf)
Age: Adult
Height: 3'6 (at shoulder)
Weight: 120lbs
Place of birth: Neopia Central
Current location: Nomad

Date of creation: 2004


Job: Wife and mother
Hobbies: Taking care of Lufiea, hunting/searching for food
Powers/abilities: Can create and manipulate fire


Personality: Kind, motherly, protective
Build: Leanly muscular
Fur: Red, gray underbelly. Flames on tail, head and all 4 legs.
Eyes: Blue

Markings: Random Native American markings
Jewelry/accessories: None
Special possessions: Idk


Love life: Has been dating Guy since 2002
Children: Joey, Lufiea
Mother: Einae
Father: Herasho
Siblings: Cutter (brother)
Other relatives: Shirah (grandmother), Tandinaro (grandfather), Atroffis (great aunt)


History: After her parents died, she was left to wander the world alone. When she became exhausted from her travels, she stopped to rest, and began to cry. It was then that a kind fire faerie found her, and decided to help her by blessing her, with powers that would take her far in her nomadic life. Afterwards, Jenna wandered alone, other than one fling that produced her son Joey. When Joey was a teenager, she met a lupe named Guy. They hit it off quickly, and soon after, their son Joey was born. The following summer, Jenna met Sprinter, the daughter of Guy's owner, and she was soon adopted by her. Soon after Jenna's adoption, their daughter Lufiea was born, and Joey left the family to go on his own.

Other: None

Name: Lufiea (lew-fay-uh)
Gender: Female
Species: Lupe (wolf)
Age: Child
Height: 2'10 (at shoulder)
Weight: 80lbs
Place of birth: Neopia Central
Current location: Nomad

Date of creation: Aug. 2004


Job: Puppy
Hobbies: Playing, exploring, messing with her powers, annoying people
Powers/abilities: Healing, life restoration, changing colors or genders of things, giving someone wings


Personality: Child-like, curious, a bit crude, kind
Build: Lithe
Fur: Dark violet. Lighter tuft of hair on head, with reddish streaks
Eyes: Brown

Markings: Magenta slash over right eye, dark blue smudge on side, flame marking on hip, Native American markings on wings
Jewelry/accessories: Gold choker/necklace thing, 2 bracelets on all 4 legs, purple band with blue stripes on tail
Special possessions: Her powers


Love life: None

Children: None
Mother: Jenna
Father: Guy
Siblings: Joey
Other relatives: Einae (maternal grandmother), Herasho (maternal grandfather), Shirah (maternal great grandmother), Tandinaro (maternal great grandfather), Atroffis (great-great aunt)


History: None

Other: None

Name: Joey
Gender: Male
Species: Lupe (wolf)
Age: Teen
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150lbs
Place of birth: Unknown
Current location: A random cave

Date of creation: 2005


Job: None
Hobbies: Unknown
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Dark, broody, a bit cruel, loner
Build: Werewolf like
Fur: Dark blue. Top of muzzle lime green
Eyes: Red

Markings: 3 scars on back of neck
Jewelry/accessories: Sometimes carries a dagger
Special possessions: None


Love life: None
Children: None
Mother: Jenna
Father: Guy
Siblings: Lufiea
Other relatives: Einae (maternal grandmother), Herasho (maternal grandfather), Shirah (maternal great grandmother), Tandinaro (maternal great grandfather), Atroffis (great-great aunt)


Love life: None


History: None

Other: Occasionally kills others if they get in his way. Rarely visits his family. Once teamed up with Arctic to try and kill Eloragirl.

Name: Experiment #675509)
Nickname: Sierra
Gender: Female
Species: Peophin (hippocampus)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2
Weight: 295lbs
Place of birth: Sloth's lab
Current location: Unknown

Date of creation: 2004


Job: None
Hobbies: Trying to find ways to kill herself (seriously), hating herself, crying, moping
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Depressed, miserable, self-loathing
Build: Equine
Body: A bunch of metal parts fused together. Body is gray, neck is light gray & black, belly is dark gray, tail is dark brown, tailfin is blue, legs are light gray, fetlocks are red

Mane: Lime green, blue and white
Eyes: Light gray

Markings: #675509 engraved along tail
Jewelry/accessories: None
Special possessions: None


Love life: None


History: Many years ago, Sierra was created in Dr. Sloth's lab as a normal red peophin. Sloth was currenly trying to build a powerful robotic army, to further ensure his evil plans. Sierra, like many other pets he had created or captured, was taken to his workshop and strapped to a table. To make his work easier, not for Sierra's own comfort, she was anesthetized before Sloth began the procedure. Once she was out cold, Sloth stripped away all of Sierra's natural skin, and placed durable steel plates over her muscular structure. Over this, metal body parts were placed, and fused with the plating underneath. When Sierra awoke from the procedure, she was in unimaginable pain. As she lay on the table, still immobile due to the straps, Sierra overheard Sloth saying that his next step was to operate on her brain, to make her easier for him to control. Once she heard this, she violently kicked and thrashed until the straps broke, and began to search for a way out. Others in the lab tried hard to capture Sierra, but she managed to escape. Once she was in the outside world, she realized just how difficult it was to move with such heavy, metal parts on her body. She also faced ridicule from others, due to her strange appearance and the unusual way she moved. After several weeks of this, she managed to find a volcanic valley, where many lava pits were located. She dragged herself to one of the larger pits, and was about to jump in when she was found by Sprinter. Sprinter pitied the depressed creature, and adopted her into her ever growing family of pets. She quickly gave the peophin the name of Sierra, as she thought that calling one by a jumble of numbers was rather impersonal.

Other: Has attempted suicide countless times, but cannot die due to her durable, metal body.

Name: Chick
Gender: Female
Species: Ixi (deer)
Age: Unknown
Height: 4'3 (at shoulder)
Weight: 125lbs
Place of birth: Ancient Egypt
Current location: The great beyond

Date of creation: 2004


Job: None
Hobbies: Floating around and other ghost stuff, lol
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Melancholy, introverted, quiet
Build: Deerlike
Fur: Red. Underbelly is cream
Eyes: Aqua 

Markings: Faint scars on face, dark blue smudge on shoulder, ankh on thigh
Jewelry/accessories: Golden necklace, 4 golden bracelets on each leg
Special possessions: None


Love life: None


History: Chick was born centuries ago in the deserts of Egypt, possessing a permanent golden face mask. This made many assume that her family was wealthy, which caused snubbing from the jealous, and interest from the thieves. One particular group of thieves took an interest in Chick's family, and began to watch them, and wait for a perfect opportunity. The opportunity came one night when Chick was crossing the desert, searching for food. The thieves ambushed her, and began to attack her. When she had been knocked unconscious from the vicious beatings, the thieves thought she had died, and proceeded to tear the golden mask from her face. The immense pain awakened Chick, and she screamed in agony. When the thieves realized she was conscious and alive, they chose not to end her suffering with a final blow, but instead ran away and left her to bleed to death. Due to her violent death, Chick has sinced roamed the world as a ghost, unable to rest.


Other: None

Name: Araenieio (Arr-ay-nye-eye-oh)
Nickname: Arae
Gender: Male
Species: Pteri (bird)
Age: Young adult
Height: 3'5
Weight: 25lbs
Place of birth: Mystery island
Current location: The jungle

Date of creation: 2005


Job: None
Hobbies: Flying, exploring the jungle
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Kind, friendly, loyal
Build: Like any bird
Feathers: Tan. Tops of wings are red. Tail is green. 2 long, white feathers on top of head
Eyes: Blue

Markings: Random brown markings on body, two teal streaks on head
Jewelry/accessories: Golden necklace
Special possessions: None


Love life: Dated Winteraylia since 2005, but has lost touch with her in the past several years


History: As a fledgeling, he was eager to begin flying, but like all young birds, he had little strength in his wings. His mother warned him to wait a bit longer, but Arae wasn't willing to listen. One day, when her back was turned, Arae attempted to fly out of the nest. Just as his mother had told him, he fell to the ground and hurt himself. His mother flew down to rescue him, and that's when a group of villagers came. The villagers captured Arae and shoved him in a cage, and he could only watch helplessly as the other villagers murdered his mother. After her death, Arae was taken to the humans' village. He was tied up like a dog, and kept as a prisoner in the house. He was seldom fed, and often kicked and pushed around. When the villagers were feeling particularly cruel, they taunted him with the family's pet boa constrictor, who terrified him. One day, Arae finally escaped from the house, but his love of flying got him in trouble once again. His village was in the midst of a battle between another village, and Arae, so excited to have escaped, flew right into the crossfire. The blast of guns broke both of his wings (causing them to be stained red with blood) and sent him through the air, and off the edge of a nearby cliff. He fell, seemingly to certain death, but instead, he fell into Sprinter's arms. Sprinter brought him home and bandaged him up, and decided to add him to her quirky pet family.


Other: None

Name: Hellboy
Gender: Male
Species: Grarrl (theropod dinosaur)
Age: Teen
Height: 6'7
Weight: 200lbs
Place of birth: Mystery island
Current location: Nomad

Date of creation: 2004


Job: None
Hobbies: Farting, pranking people, burping, being disgusting
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Very crude, silly, obnoxious, immaturee
Build: Fat
Body: Purple
Eyes: Yellow

Markings: None (the image above is from Neopets; he lacks an official design)
Jewelry/accessories: None
Special possessions: None


Love life: Lol


History: None


Other: Was given to me by someone on the Neoboards.

Name: Giha (gee-ha)
Gender: Female
Species: Kacheek (rodent thing)
Age: Child
Height: 2'6
Weight: 30lbs
Place of birth: Neopia central
Current location: Mystery island

Date of creation: 2004


Job: None
Hobbies: Gardening, bird watching
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Timid, sensitive, shy, kind
Build: Idk
Fur: Yellow. Underbelly is white
Eyes: Magenta

Markings: Pink stripes on face, 2 blue stripes on each foreleg, 2 red stripes on back, 2 teal stripes on each back leg
Jewelry/accessories: 2 golden earings, lei around neck, 2 golden bracelets on each foreleg, violet skirt
Special possessions: None


History: She was found by Sprinter on the streets, after her previous owner, who could not afford the pound fee, dumped her beside a busy road.

Other: Is frightened of cars. Owns her own garden. Loves quiet.

Name: Kitty
Gender: Male
Species: Cybunny (rabbit)
Age: Young adult
Height: 2'3
Weight: 40lbs
Place of birth: Neopia central
Current location: Nomad

Date of creation: 2003


Job: None
Hobbies: Reading
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Depressed, quiet, withdrawn
Build: Idk
Fur: White. Red ruff around neck. Tips of paws are red
Eyes: Magenta

Markings: Various scars
Jewelry/accessories: Bandage on left foreleg
Special possessions: His books


History: He was brutally abused by a previous owner, but the details are unknown (actually I'm just too lazy to create them). Finally, his owner dumped him in the pound, where Sprinter rescued him.


Other: Loves reading and quiet.

Name: Lucia
Gender: Female
Species: Wocky (cat)
Age: Young adult
Height: 1'2 (at shoulder)
Weight: 12lbs
Place of birth: Neopia central
Current location: Nomad

Date of creation: 2004


Job: None
Hobbies: Judging others, gazing a her reflection, shopping, bragging about herself
Powers/abilities: None


Personality: Extremely vain, snobby, judgemental, rude
Build: Idk
Fur: Blue. Blonde tuft of fur on head. Pink ruff around neck. Back paws are brown
Eyes: Brown. Wears magenta eye makeup

Markings: Blue smudge on cheek
Jewelry/accessories: 3 golden earings, golden necklace, pink arm warmers, blue denim skirt
Special possessions: Her face

History: None


Other: Is obsessed with fashion.

The Neopets (current)

These are the pets I currently have pages of. Click their names to go see them.





